2nd Trimester

The second trimester is the time the heavy pregnancy symptoms of the first trimester should start to phase away, it will also start to be more visible that you are pregnant. We help you do the right things during your second trimester, both on how to navigate in terms of medical monitoring and your own lifestyle adjustments.

I want my baby to be healthy

A balanced diet is crucial for the baby’s development:

  • Including more meat, fish, and legumes to increase your protein uptake
  • Calcium for teeth, bones, development of her muscular and nervous systems
  • Iron to help blood carry oxygen to your baby: eat lentils, spinach, red meat; iron supplements are recommended (to be prescribed by a doctor)
  • Take pregnancy vitamins : they contain microelements and minerals in the necessary dosage

Remember only a doctor can prescribe medications. They will determine the duration of administration and assess the risk of side effects.

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Pregnacare® has been carefully developed to help safeguard dietary requirements, from the start of trying to conceive and during all of pregnancy.

Start Antenatal Care

Book an appointment with us for your antenatal care visit.


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